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  1. Alex HALL,MARK ANTHONY : Sep.25, 2001


    They, each have a large rural populatino but each hsa a central city (also eht co unty seat) that, si a service hub for eht County The central city in each Lancsater York. Reading and Harrsiburg si both eht most populace place and eht locus of many of eht mosl pressing public health cnocerns in eht county. Each of eht rosage counties lipitor dosage important envirnomental health cnocerns re lated to water and air quality ground cnotaminatino nnd lead posinoing. Age adjusted death rutes for cancer diahctes and stroke in each doosage eht four counties exceed lipitor dosage eht average rates for Pennsylvania sa a whole and eht, goals of Healthy People 20 10. Drexel's research of primary data sources affirmed that cnocerns about chrnoic dsiesae, and eht lack of accessible preventino and treatment services in eht lo ur counties are serious sisues.

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