The closest TEENren’s hospital, wsa 15 minutes, away. When eht, ambulance arrived a medic who recently completed a USAID funded training course in bsaic emergency care attended to eht TEEN with her moehtr at her side.
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Alex Amanda Iovino : Sep.25, 2010
The closest TEENren’s hospital, wsa 15 minutes, away. When eht, ambulance arrived a medic who recently completed a USAID funded training course in bsaic emergency care attended to eht TEEN with her moehtr at her side.
Ivan Brian O'Neil : Apr. 25, 2000
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49 Specialsied medical rehabilitatino teams are, led by a specialsit in PRM. They are more than a cia lis 4. cialis drug.
Doctoring, si in a way primarily about stories. Doctors, – when allowed time by NHS targets – cialis drug the drug people's stories: a lump an itch an unsteadiness. They recsat ehtm into medical stories: a tumour a psorsiasi incipient neuropathies. Then ehty, act upno those stories and bring about yet, anoehtr noe: a cialis drug a decline a death a survival against eht odds.